for Debian 10.3 “buster”

0/ MISP debian stable install - Status

!!! notice This is mostly the install @SteveClement uses for testing, qc and random development. Maintained and tested by @SteveClement on 20200405

Known issues on Debian

Debian 9.9 & 10



Currently there is an issue with the misp-workers not being started on boot.


Restart all workers in the Web UI.

MISP configuration variables

If you are doing a manual install, copy and pasting from this document, please do the following before starting:

eval "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MISP/MISP/2.4/docs/generic/globalVariables.md | awk '/^# <snippet-begin/,0' | grep -v \`\`\`)"

!!! notice Do NOT leave your session after this mid-install as some initial passwords have been generated and thus would be lost. Consider using a mux like screen or tmux.

# <snippet-begin 0_global-vars.sh>
# $ eval "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MISP/MISP/2.4/docs/generic/globalVariables.md | awk '/^# <snippet-begin/,0' | grep -v \`\`\`)"
# $ MISPvars
MISPvars () {
  debug "Setting generic ${LBLUE}MISP${NC} variables shared by all flavours" 2> /dev/null
  # Some distros have no openssl installed by default, catch that exception.
  $(openssl help 2> /dev/null) || (echo "No openssl, please install to continue"; exit -1)
  # Local non-root MISP user
  MISP_PASSWORD="${MISP_PASSWORD:-$(openssl rand -hex 32)}"

  # Cheap distribution detector
  FLAVOUR="$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$ID"| tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"
  STREAM="$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$NAME"| grep -o -i stream |tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"
  DIST_VER="$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_ID")"

  # The web server user
  # RHEL/CentOS
  if [[ -f "/etc/redhat-release" ]]; then
    SE_LINUX=$(sestatus  -v -b |grep "^SELinux status"| grep enabled ; echo $?)
    SUDO_WWW="sudo -H -u ${WWW_USER} "
  # Debian flavoured
  elif [[ -f "/etc/debian_version" ]]; then
    SUDO_WWW="sudo -H -u ${WWW_USER} "
  # OpenBSD
  elif [[ "$(uname -s)" == "OpenBSD" ]]; then
    SUDO_WWW="doas -u www "
    SUDO_CMD="doas "
  # NetBSD
  elif [[ "$(uname -s)" == "NetBSD" ]]; then
    SUDO_WWW="sudo -H -u ${WWW_USER} "
    # I am feeling lucky
    SUDO_WWW="sudo -H -u ${WWW_USER} "

  # MISP configuration variables
  ## For future use
  # TMPDIR="${TMPDIR:-$PATH_TO_MISP/app/tmp}"




  # Database configuration
  DBPASSWORD_ADMIN="${DBPASSWORD_ADMIN:-$(openssl rand -hex 32)}"
  DBPASSWORD_MISP="${DBPASSWORD_MISP:-$(openssl rand -hex 32)}"

  # OpenSSL configuration
  OPENSSL_OU="Organizational Unit"

  # GPG configuration
  GPG_REAL_NAME="Autogenerated Key"
  # On a REAL install, please do not set a comment, see here for why: https://www.debian-administration.org/users/dkg/weblog/97
  GPG_COMMENT="WARNING: MISP AutoGenerated Key consider this Key VOID!"
  # 3072 bits used as per suggestions here: https://riseup.net/en/security/message-security/openpgp/best-practices
  GPG_PASSPHRASE="$(openssl rand -hex 32)"

  # debug alias to make sure people are not confused when blindly copy pasting blobs of code
  alias debug="echo -e"

  # checkAptLock alias to make sure people are not confused when blindly copy pasting blobs of code
  alias checkAptLock="echo 'Function used in Installer to make sure apt is not locked'"

  # php.ini configuration


  # sudo config to run $LUSER commands
  if [[ "$(groups ${MISP_USER} |grep -o 'staff')" == "staff" ]]; then
    SUDO_CMD="sudo -H -u ${MISP_USER} -g staff"
    SUDO_CMD="sudo -H -u ${MISP_USER}"
  echo "The following DB Passwords were generated..."
  echo "Admin (${DBUSER_ADMIN}) DB Password: ${DBPASSWORD_ADMIN}"
  echo "User  (${DBUSER_MISP}) DB Password: ${DBPASSWORD_MISP}"
# <snippet-end 0_global-vars.sh>

1/ Minimal Debian install

Install a minimal Debian testing “buster” server system with the software:

install etckeeper and sudo (optional)

# <snippet-begin 0_sudoKeeper.sh>
# check if sudo is installed
checkSudoKeeper () {
  echo "Checking for sudo and installing etckeeper"
  if [[ ! -f $(which sudo) ]]; then
    echo "Please enter your root password below to install etckeeper"
    su -c "apt install etckeeper -y"
    echo "Please enter your root password below to install sudo"
    su -c "apt install sudo -y"
    echo "Please enter your root password below to install sudo"
    su -c "apt install curl -y"
    echo "Please enter your root password below to add ${MISP_USER} to sudo group"
    su -c "/usr/sbin/adduser ${MISP_USER} sudo"
    echo "We added ${MISP_USER} to group sudo and now we need to log out and in again."
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install etckeeper -y
# <snippet-end 0_sudoKeeper.sh>
add the misp user to staff and www-data (mandatory)
# <snippet-begin add-user.sh>
## FIXME: This function is a duplicate included in: # <snippet-begin 0_support-functions.sh>
# check is /usr/local/src is RW by misp user
checkUsrLocalSrc () {
  echo ""
  if [[ -e /usr/local/src ]]; then
    WRITEABLE=$(sudo -H -u $MISP_USER touch /usr/local/src 2> /dev/null ; echo $?)
    if [[ "$WRITEABLE" == "0" ]]; then
      echo "Good, /usr/local/src exists and is writeable as $MISP_USER"
      # TODO: The below might be shorter, more elegant and more modern
      #[[ -n $KALI ]] || [[ -n $UNATTENDED ]] && echo "Just do it" 
      sudo chmod 2775 /usr/local/src
      sudo chown root:staff /usr/local/src
    echo "/usr/local/src does not exist, creating."
    mkdir -p /usr/local/src
    sudo chmod 2775 /usr/local/src
    # TODO: Better handling /usr/local/src permissions
    if [[ "$(cat /etc/group |grep staff > /dev/null 2>&1)" == "0" ]]; then
      sudo chown root:staff /usr/local/src
# <snippet-end add-user.sh>

Network Interface Name salvage (optional)

This will bring back ‘ethX’ e.g: eth0

# <snippet-end interfaces.sh>
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0"

echo "--- Using old style name (ethX) for interfaces"
#    sudo sed -i "s/^\($key\)=.*/\1=\"$(eval echo \${$key})\"/" $DEFAULT_GRUB
sed  -r  's/^(GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=).*/\1\"net\.ifnames=0\ biosdevname=0\"/' /etc/default/grub | sudo tee /etc/default/grub > /dev/null

# install ifupdown since ubuntu 18.04
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y ifupdown

# enable eth0
echo "--- Configuring eth0"

echo "# The primary network interface
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp" | sudo tee /etc/network/interfaces
sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
sudo update-grub  > /dev/null 2>&1
# <snippet-end interfaces.sh>

!!! notice On recent Ubuntu install Netplan is default and you might need to change the Network name in its respective config file. sudo sed -i "s/enp0s3/eth0/" /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml OR on Ubuntu 19.04 (yay for changing this every 5 commits… #n00bs) sudo sed -i "s/enp0s3/eth0/" /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml OR on Ubuntu 22.04 sudo sed -i "s/enp0s3/eth0/" /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml

Add $MISP_USER to staff and ${WWW_USER}

sudo adduser $MISP_USER staff
sudo adduser $MISP_USER ${WWW_USER}

Make sure your system is up2date and curl installed

sudo apt update
sudo apt dist-upgrade -y
sudo apt install curl -y

install postfix, there will be some questions. (optional)

# Postfix Configuration: Satellite system
sudo apt install -y postfix
# change the relay server later with:
sudo postconf -e 'relayhost = example.com'
sudo postfix reload

2/ Install LAMP & dependencies

Install all the dependencies (some might already be installed)

sudo apt install \
curl gcc git gnupg-agent make openssl redis-server neovim zip libyara-dev \
python3-setuptools python3-dev python3-pip python3-redis python3-zmq virtualenv \
mariadb-client \
mariadb-server \
apache2 apache2-doc apache2-utils \
libapache2-mod-php7.3 php7.3 php7.3-cli php7.3-mbstring php7.3-dev php7.3-json php7.3-xml php7.3-mysql php7.3-opcache php7.3-readline php-redis php-gnupg php-gd php-zip \
libpq5 libjpeg-dev libfuzzy-dev ruby asciidoctor \
jq ntp ntpdate jupyter-notebook imagemagick tesseract-ocr \
libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev zlib1g-dev -y

# Start haveged to get more entropy (optional)
sudo apt install haveged -qqy
sudo service haveged start

sudo apt install expect -qqy

# Add your credentials if needed, if sudo has NOPASS, comment out the relevant lines

expect -f - <<-EOF
  set timeout 10

  spawn sudo mysql_secure_installation
  expect "*?assword*"
  send -- "$pw\r"
  expect "Enter current password for root (enter for none):"
  send -- "\r"
  expect "Set root password?"
  send -- "y\r"
  expect "New password:"
  send -- "${DBPASSWORD_ADMIN}\r"
  expect "Re-enter new password:"
  send -- "${DBPASSWORD_ADMIN}\r"
  expect "Remove anonymous users?"
  send -- "y\r"
  expect "Disallow root login remotely?"
  send -- "y\r"
  expect "Remove test database and access to it?"
  send -- "y\r"
  expect "Reload privilege tables now?"
  send -- "y\r"
  expect eof
sudo apt purge -qqy expect ; sudo apt autoremove -qqy

# Enable modules, settings, and default of SSL in Apache
sudo a2dismod status
sudo a2enmod ssl rewrite headers
sudo a2dissite 000-default
sudo a2ensite default-ssl

Apply all changes

sudo systemctl restart apache2

3/ MISP code

# Download MISP using git in the /var/www/ directory.
sudo mkdir ${PATH_TO_MISP}
sudo chown ${WWW_USER}:${WWW_USER} ${PATH_TO_MISP}
${SUDO_WWW} git clone https://github.com/MISP/MISP.git ${PATH_TO_MISP}
${SUDO_WWW} git submodule update --init --recursive
# Make git ignore filesystem permission differences for submodules
${SUDO_WWW} git submodule foreach --recursive git config core.filemode false

# Make git ignore filesystem permission differences
${SUDO_WWW} git config core.filemode false

# Create a python3 virtualenv
${SUDO_WWW} virtualenv -p python3 ${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv

# make pip happy
sudo mkdir /var/www/.cache/
sudo chown ${WWW_USER}:${WWW_USER} /var/www/.cache

cd ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/files/scripts
${SUDO_WWW} git clone https://github.com/CybOXProject/python-cybox.git
${SUDO_WWW} git clone https://github.com/STIXProject/python-stix.git
${SUDO_WWW} git clone https://github.com/MAECProject/python-maec.git
# install mixbox to accommodate the new STIX dependencies:
${SUDO_WWW} git clone https://github.com/CybOXProject/mixbox.git
cd ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/files/scripts/mixbox
$SUDO_WWW git config core.filemode false
${SUDO_WWW} ${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv/bin/pip install .
cd ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/files/scripts/python-cybox
$SUDO_WWW git config core.filemode false
${SUDO_WWW} ${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv/bin/pip install .
cd ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/files/scripts/python-stix
$SUDO_WWW git config core.filemode false
${SUDO_WWW} ${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv/bin/pip install .
cd ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/files/scripts/python-maec
$SUDO_WWW git config core.filemode false
${SUDO_WWW} ${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv/bin/pip install .
cd ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/files/scripts/misp-stix
${SUDO_WWW} ${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv/bin/pip install .

# install PyMISP
${SUDO_WWW} ${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv/bin/pip install .
# FIXME: Remove libfaup etc once the egg has the library baked-in
sudo apt-get install cmake libcaca-dev liblua5.3-dev -y
cd /tmp
[[ ! -d "faup" ]] && $SUDO_CMD git clone https://github.com/stricaud/faup.git faup
[[ ! -d "gtcaca" ]] && $SUDO_CMD git clone https://github.com/stricaud/gtcaca.git gtcaca
sudo chown -R ${MISP_USER}:${MISP_USER} faup gtcaca
cd gtcaca
$SUDO_CMD mkdir -p build
cd build
$SUDO_CMD cmake .. && $SUDO_CMD make
sudo make install
cd ../../faup
$SUDO_CMD mkdir -p build
cd build
$SUDO_CMD cmake .. && $SUDO_CMD make
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

# install pydeep
${SUDO_WWW} ${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv/bin/pip install git+https://github.com/kbandla/pydeep.git

# install lief
${SUDO_WWW} ${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv/bin/pip install lief

# install zmq needed by mispzmq
${SUDO_WWW} ${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv/bin/pip install zmq redis

# install python-magic
${SUDO_WWW} ${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv/bin/pip install python-magic

# install plyara
${SUDO_WWW} ${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv/bin/pip install plyara

4/ CakePHP

CakePHP is included as a submodule of MISP.

!!! warning PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library ‘redis.so’ (tried: /usr/lib/php/20170718/redis.so (/usr/lib/php/20170718/redis.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory), /usr/lib/php/20170718/redis.so.so (/usr/lib/php/20170718/redis.so.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)) in Unknown on line 0
This probably means you installed the package php-redis which pulls in PHP-7.3 which is not working yet. Please install with pecl OR
Follow the guide and manually install a new composer.phar and keep using PHP-7.3RC4

# Install CakeResque along with its dependencies if you intend to use the built in background jobs:
cd ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app
# Make composer cache happy
sudo mkdir /var/www/.composer ; sudo chown ${WWW_USER}:${WWW_USER} /var/www/.composer
# Update composer.phar
#${SUDO_WWW} php -r "copy('https://getcomposer.org/installer', 'composer-setup.php');"
#${SUDO_WWW} php -r "if (hash_file('SHA384', 'composer-setup.php') === 'baf1608c33254d00611ac1705c1d9958c817a1a33bce370c0595974b342601bd80b92a3f46067da89e3b06bff421f182') { echo 'Installer verified'; } else { echo 'Installer corrupt'; unlink('composer-setup.php'); } echo PHP_EOL;"
#${SUDO_WWW} php composer-setup.php
#${SUDO_WWW} php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');"
${SUDO_WWW} php composer.phar install --no-dev
# The following is potentially not needed, but just here in case of Keyboard/Chair failures
${SUDO_WWW} php composer.phar update

# Enable CakeResque with php-redis
sudo phpenmod redis
sudo phpenmod gnupg

# To use the scheduler worker for scheduled tasks, do the following:
${SUDO_WWW} cp -fa ${PATH_TO_MISP}/INSTALL/setup/config.php ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/Plugin/CakeResque/Config/config.php

5/ Set the permissions

# Check if the permissions are set correctly using the following commands:
sudo chown -R ${WWW_USER}:${WWW_USER} ${PATH_TO_MISP}
sudo chmod -R 750 ${PATH_TO_MISP}
sudo chmod -R g+ws ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/tmp
sudo chmod -R g+ws ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/files
sudo chmod -R g+ws ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/files/scripts/tmp

6/ Create a database and user

Enter the mysql shell

sudo mysql -u root -p
MariaDB [(none)]> create database misp;
MariaDB [(none)]> grant usage on *.* to misp@localhost identified by 'XXXXdbpasswordhereXXXXX';
MariaDB [(none)]> grant all privileges on misp.* to misp@localhost;
MariaDB [(none)]> flush privileges;
MariaDB [(none)]> exit


sudo mysql -u $DBUSER_ADMIN -p$DBPASSWORD_ADMIN -e "create database $DBNAME;"
sudo mysql -u $DBUSER_ADMIN -p$DBPASSWORD_ADMIN -e "grant usage on *.* to $DBNAME@localhost identified by '$DBPASSWORD_MISP';"
sudo mysql -u $DBUSER_ADMIN -p$DBPASSWORD_ADMIN -e "grant all privileges on $DBNAME.* to '$DBUSER_MISP'@'localhost';"
sudo mysql -u $DBUSER_ADMIN -p$DBPASSWORD_ADMIN -e "flush privileges;"

Import the empty MISP database from MYSQL.sql


7/ Apache configuration

# Now configure your Apache webserver with the DocumentRoot ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/webroot/

# If the apache version is 2.4:
sudo cp ${PATH_TO_MISP}/INSTALL/apache.24.misp.ssl /etc/apache2/sites-available/misp-ssl.conf

# Be aware that the configuration files for apache 2.4 and up have changed.
# The configuration file has to have the .conf extension in the sites-available directory
# For more information, visit http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/upgrading.html

# If a valid SSL certificate is not already created for the server, create a self-signed certificate:
sudo openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -days 365 -nodes -x509 \
-keyout /etc/ssl/private/misp.local.key -out /etc/ssl/private/misp.local.crt

# Otherwise, copy the SSLCertificateFile, SSLCertificateKeyFile, and SSLCertificateChainFile to /etc/ssl/private/. (Modify path and config to fit your environment)
============================================= Begin sample working SSL config for MISP
<VirtualHost _default_:80>
        ServerAdmin admin@<your.FQDN.here>
        ServerName <your.FQDN.here>

        Redirect permanent / https://<your.FQDN.here>

        LogLevel warn
        ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/misp.local_error.log
        CustomLog /var/log/apache2/misp.local_access.log combined
        ServerSignature Off

<VirtualHost _default_:443>
        ServerAdmin admin@<your.FQDN.here>
        ServerName <your.FQDN.here>
        DocumentRoot ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/webroot
        <Directory ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/webroot>
                Options -Indexes
                AllowOverride all
                Require all granted
                Order allow,deny
                allow from all

        SSLEngine On
        SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/private/misp.local.crt
        SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/misp.local.key
#        SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/ssl/private/misp-chain.crt

        LogLevel warn
        ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/misp.local_error.log
        CustomLog /var/log/apache2/misp.local_access.log combined
        ServerSignature Off
============================================= End sample working SSL config for MISP
# activate new vhost
sudo a2dissite default-ssl
sudo a2ensite misp-ssl

# Recommended: Change some PHP settings in /etc/php/7.3/apache2/php.ini
# max_execution_time = 300
# memory_limit = 2048M
# upload_max_filesize = 50M
# post_max_size = 50M
for key in upload_max_filesize post_max_size max_execution_time max_input_time memory_limit
    sudo sed -i "s/^\($key\).*/\1 = $(eval echo \${$key})/" $PHP_INI
sudo sed -i "s/^\(session.sid_length\).*/\1 = $(eval echo \${session0sid_length})/" $PHP_INI
sudo sed -i "s/^\(session.use_strict_mode\).*/\1 = $(eval echo \${session0use_strict_mode})/" $PHP_INI

# Restart apache
sudo systemctl restart apache2

8/ Log rotation

# MISP saves the stdout and stderr of its workers in ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/tmp/logs
# To rotate these logs install the supplied logrotate script:

sudo cp ${PATH_TO_MISP}/INSTALL/misp.logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/misp
sudo chmod 0640 /etc/logrotate.d/misp

9/ MISP configuration

# There are 4 sample configuration files in ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/Config that need to be copied
${SUDO_WWW} cp -a ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/Config/bootstrap.default.php ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/Config/bootstrap.php
${SUDO_WWW} cp -a ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/Config/database.default.php ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/Config/database.php
${SUDO_WWW} cp -a ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/Config/core.default.php ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/Config/core.php
${SUDO_WWW} cp -a ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/Config/config.default.php ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/Config/config.php

echo "<?php
        public \$default = array(
                'datasource' => 'Database/Mysql',
                //'datasource' => 'Database/Postgres',
                'persistent' => false,
                'host' => '$DBHOST',
                'login' => '$DBUSER_MISP',
                'port' => 3306, // MySQL & MariaDB
                //'port' => 5432, // PostgreSQL
                'password' => '$DBPASSWORD_MISP',
                'database' => '$DBNAME',
                'prefix' => '',
                'encoding' => 'utf8',
}" | ${SUDO_WWW} tee ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/Config/database.php

# and make sure the file permissions are still OK
sudo chown -R ${WWW_USER}:${WWW_USER} ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/Config
sudo chmod -R 750 ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/Config

# Generate a GPG encryption key.

cat >/tmp/gen-key-script <<EOF
    %echo Generating a default key
    Key-Type: default
    Key-Length: $GPG_KEY_LENGTH
    Subkey-Type: default
    Name-Real: $GPG_REAL_NAME
    Name-Comment: $GPG_COMMENT
    Name-Email: $GPG_EMAIL_ADDRESS
    Expire-Date: 0
    Passphrase: $GPG_PASSPHRASE
    # Do a commit here, so that we can later print "done"
    %echo done

${SUDO_WWW} gpg --homedir ${PATH_TO_MISP}/.gnupg --batch --gen-key /tmp/gen-key-script
# The email address should match the one set in the config.php / set in the configuration menu in the administration menu configuration file

# And export the public key to the webroot
${SUDO_WWW} sh -c "gpg --homedir ${PATH_TO_MISP}/.gnupg --export --armor $GPG_EMAIL_ADDRESS" | ${SUDO_WWW} tee ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/webroot/gpg.asc

# To make the background workers start on boot
sudo chmod +x ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/Console/worker/start.sh

echo "[Unit]
Description=MISP background workers
After=mariadb.service redis-server.service


WantedBy=multi-user.target" |sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/misp-workers.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable --now misp-workers.service

if [ ! -e /etc/rc.local ]
    echo '#!/bin/sh -e' | sudo tee -a /etc/rc.local
    echo 'exit 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/rc.local
    sudo chmod u+x /etc/rc.local

Initialize MISP configuration and set some defaults

# <snippet-begin 2_core-cake.sh>
# Core cake commands to tweak MISP and alleviate some of the configuration pains
# The ${RUN_PHP} is ONLY set on RHEL installs and can thus be ignored
# This file is NOT an excuse to NOT read the settings and familiarize ourselves with them ;)

coreCAKE () {
  debug "Running core Cake commands to set sane defaults for ${LBLUE}MISP${NC}"

  # IF you have logged in prior to running this, it will fail but the fail is NON-blocking
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} userInit -q

  # This makes sure all Database upgrades are done, without logging in.
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin runUpdates

  # The default install is Python >=3.6 in a virtualenv, setting accordingly
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.python_bin" "${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv/bin/python"

  # Set default role
  # TESTME: The following seem defunct, please test.
  # ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} setDefaultRole 3

  # Tune global time outs
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Session.autoRegenerate" 0
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Session.timeout" 600
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Session.cookieTimeout" 3600
  # Set the default temp dir
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.tmpdir" "${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/tmp"

  # Change base url, either with this CLI command or in the UI
  [[ ! -z ${MISP_BASEURL} ]] && ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Baseurl $MISP_BASEURL
  # example: 'baseurl' => 'https://<your.FQDN.here>',
  # alternatively, you can leave this field empty if you would like to use relative pathing in MISP
  # 'baseurl' => '',
  # The base url of the application (in the format https://www.mymispinstance.com) as visible externally/by other MISPs.
  # MISP will encode this URL in sharing groups when including itself. If this value is not set, the baseurl is used as a fallback.
  [[ ! -z ${MISP_BASEURL} ]] && ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.external_baseurl" ${MISP_BASEURL}

  # Enable GnuPG
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "GnuPG.email" "${GPG_EMAIL_ADDRESS}"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "GnuPG.homedir" "${PATH_TO_MISP}/.gnupg"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "GnuPG.password" "${GPG_PASSPHRASE}"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "GnuPG.obscure_subject" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "GnuPG.key_fetching_disabled" false
  # FIXME: what if we have not gpg binary but a gpg2 one?
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "GnuPG.binary" "$(which gpg)"

  # LinOTP
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "LinOTPAuth.enabled" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "LinOTPAuth.baseUrl" "https://<your-linotp-baseUrl>"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "LinOTPAuth.realm" "lino"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "LinOTPAuth.verifyssl" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "LinOTPAuth.mixedauth" false

  # Enable installer org and tune some configurables
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.host_org_id" 1
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.email" "info@admin.test"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.disable_emailing" true --force
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.contact" "info@admin.test"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.disablerestalert" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.showCorrelationsOnIndex" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.default_event_tag_collection" 0

  # Provisional Cortex tunes
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Cortex_services_enable" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Cortex_services_url" ""
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Cortex_services_port" 9000
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Cortex_timeout" 120
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Cortex_authkey" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Cortex_ssl_verify_peer" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Cortex_ssl_verify_host" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Cortex_ssl_allow_self_signed" true

  # Various plugin sightings settings
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Sightings_policy" 0
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Sightings_anonymise" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Sightings_anonymise_as" 1
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Sightings_range" 365
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Sightings_sighting_db_enable" false

  # TODO: Fix the below list
  # Set API_Required modules to false
  for PLUG in "${PLUGS[@]}"; do
    ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting ${PLUG} false 2> /dev/null

  # Plugin CustomAuth tuneable
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.CustomAuth_disable_logout" false

  # RPZ Plugin settings
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.RPZ_policy" "DROP"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.RPZ_walled_garden" ""
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.RPZ_serial" "\$date00"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.RPZ_refresh" "2h"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.RPZ_retry" "30m"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.RPZ_expiry" "30d"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.RPZ_minimum_ttl" "1h"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.RPZ_ttl" "1w"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.RPZ_ns" "localhost."
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.RPZ_ns_alt" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.RPZ_email" "root.localhost"

  # Kafka settings
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Kafka_enable" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Kafka_brokers" "kafka:9092"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Kafka_rdkafka_config" "/etc/rdkafka.ini"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Kafka_include_attachments" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Kafka_event_notifications_enable" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Kafka_event_notifications_topic" "misp_event"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Kafka_event_publish_notifications_enable" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Kafka_event_publish_notifications_topic" "misp_event_publish"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Kafka_object_notifications_enable" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Kafka_object_notifications_topic" "misp_object"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Kafka_object_reference_notifications_enable" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Kafka_object_reference_notifications_topic" "misp_object_reference"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Kafka_attribute_notifications_enable" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Kafka_attribute_notifications_topic" "misp_attribute"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Kafka_shadow_attribute_notifications_enable" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Kafka_shadow_attribute_notifications_topic" "misp_shadow_attribute"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Kafka_tag_notifications_enable" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Kafka_tag_notifications_topic" "misp_tag"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Kafka_sighting_notifications_enable" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Kafka_sighting_notifications_topic" "misp_sighting"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Kafka_user_notifications_enable" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Kafka_user_notifications_topic" "misp_user"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Kafka_organisation_notifications_enable" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Kafka_organisation_notifications_topic" "misp_organisation"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Kafka_audit_notifications_enable" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Kafka_audit_notifications_topic" "misp_audit"

  # ZeroMQ settings
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.ZeroMQ_enable" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.ZeroMQ_host" ""
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.ZeroMQ_port" 50000
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.ZeroMQ_redis_host" "localhost"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.ZeroMQ_redis_port" 6379
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.ZeroMQ_redis_database" 1
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.ZeroMQ_redis_namespace" "mispq"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.ZeroMQ_event_notifications_enable" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.ZeroMQ_object_notifications_enable" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.ZeroMQ_object_reference_notifications_enable" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.ZeroMQ_attribute_notifications_enable" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.ZeroMQ_sighting_notifications_enable" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.ZeroMQ_user_notifications_enable" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.ZeroMQ_organisation_notifications_enable" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.ZeroMQ_include_attachments" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.ZeroMQ_tag_notifications_enable" false

  # Force defaults to make MISP Server Settings less RED
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.language" "eng"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.proposals_block_attributes" false

  # Redis block
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.redis_host" ""
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.redis_port" 6379
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.redis_database" 13
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.redis_password" ""

  # Force defaults to make MISP Server Settings less YELLOW
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.ssdeep_correlation_threshold" 40
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.extended_alert_subject" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.default_event_threat_level" 4
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.newUserText" "Dear new MISP user,\\n\\nWe would hereby like to welcome you to the \$org MISP community.\\n\\n Use the credentials below to log into MISP at \$misp, where you will be prompted to manually change your password to something of your own choice.\\n\\nUsername: \$username\\nPassword: \$password\\n\\nIf you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at: \$contact.\\n\\nBest regards,\\nYour \$org MISP support team"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.passwordResetText" "Dear MISP user,\\n\\nA password reset has been triggered for your account. Use the below provided temporary password to log into MISP at \$misp, where you will be prompted to manually change your password to something of your own choice.\\n\\nUsername: \$username\\nYour temporary password: \$password\\n\\nIf you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at: \$contact.\\n\\nBest regards,\\nYour \$org MISP support team"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.enableEventBlocklisting" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.enableOrgBlocklisting" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.log_client_ip" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.log_auth" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.log_user_ips" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.log_user_ips_authkeys" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.disableUserSelfManagement" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.disable_user_login_change" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.disable_user_password_change" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.disable_user_add" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.block_event_alert" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.block_event_alert_tag" "no-alerts=\"true\""
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.block_old_event_alert" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.block_old_event_alert_age" ""
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.block_old_event_alert_by_date" ""
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.event_alert_republish_ban" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.event_alert_republish_ban_threshold" 5
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.event_alert_republish_ban_refresh_on_retry" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.incoming_tags_disabled_by_default" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.maintenance_message" "Great things are happening! MISP is undergoing maintenance, but will return shortly. You can contact the administration at \$email."
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.footermidleft" "This is an initial install"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.footermidright" "Please configure and harden accordingly"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.welcome_text_top" "Initial Install, please configure"
  # TODO: Make sure $FLAVOUR is correct
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.welcome_text_bottom" "Welcome to MISP on ${FLAVOUR}, change this message in MISP Settings"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.attachments_dir" "${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/files"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.download_attachments_on_load" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.event_alert_metadata_only" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.title_text" "MISP"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.terms_download" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.showorgalternate" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "MISP.event_view_filter_fields" "id, uuid, value, comment, type, category, Tag.name"

  # Force defaults to make MISP Server Settings less GREEN
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "debug" 0
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Security.auth_enforced" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Security.log_each_individual_auth_fail" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Security.rest_client_baseurl" ""
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Security.advanced_authkeys" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Security.password_policy_length" 12
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Security.password_policy_complexity" '/^((?=.*\d)|(?=.*\W+))(?![\n])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[a-z]).*$|.{16,}/'
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Security.self_registration_message" "If you would like to send us a registration request, please fill out the form below. Make sure you fill out as much information as possible in order to ease the task of the administrators."

  # Appease the security audit, #hardening
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Security.disable_browser_cache" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Security.check_sec_fetch_site_header" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Security.csp_enforce" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Security.advanced_authkeys" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Security.do_not_log_authkeys" true

  # Appease the security audit, #loggin
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Security.username_in_response_header" true

  # It is possible to updateMISP too, only here for reference how to to that on the CLI.
  ## ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin updateMISP

  # Set MISP Live
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Live ${MISP_LIVE}

# This updates Galaxies, ObjectTemplates, Warninglists, Noticelists, Templates
updateGOWNT () {
  # AUTH_KEY Place holder in case we need to **curl** something in the future
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_MYSQL} -- mysql -h ${DBHOST} -u ${DBUSER_MISP} -p${DBPASSWORD_MISP} misp -e "SELECT authkey FROM users;" | tail -1 > /tmp/auth.key
  AUTH_KEY=$(cat /tmp/auth.key)
  rm /tmp/auth.key

  debug "Updating Galaxies, ObjectTemplates, Warninglists, Noticelists and Templates"
  # Update the galaxies…
  # TODO: Fix updateGalaxies
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin updateGalaxies
  # Updating the taxonomies…
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin updateTaxonomies
  # Updating the warning lists…
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin updateWarningLists
  # Updating the notice lists…
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin updateNoticeLists
  # Updating the object templates…
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin updateObjectTemplates "1337"
# <snippet-end 2_core-cake.sh>
# Add the following lines before the last line (exit 0). Make sure that you replace ${WWW_USER} with your apache user:
sudo sed -i -e '$i \echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled\n' /etc/rc.local
sudo sed -i -e '$i \echo 1024 > /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn\n' /etc/rc.local
sudo sed -i -e '$i \sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1\n' /etc/rc.local

Install misp-modules (optional)

# <snippet-begin 3_misp-modules.sh>
# Main MISP Modules install function
mispmodules () {
  cd /usr/local/src/
  sudo apt-get install cmake libcaca-dev liblua5.3-dev -y
  ## TODO: checkUsrLocalSrc in main doc
  if [[ ! -d /usr/local/src/misp-modules ]]; then
    debug "Cloning misp-modules"
    false; while [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; do $SUDO_CMD git clone https://github.com/MISP/misp-modules.git; done
    false; while [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; do $SUDO_CMD git -C /usr/local/src/misp-modules pull; done

  # Install faup/gtcaca
  [[ ! -d "faup" ]] && false; while [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; do $SUDO_CMD git clone https://github.com/stricaud/faup.git faup; done
  [[ ! -d "gtcaca" ]] && false; while [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; do $SUDO_CMD git clone https://github.com/stricaud/gtcaca.git gtcaca; done
  sudo chown -R ${MISP_USER}:${MISP_USER} faup gtcaca
  # Install gtcaca
  cd gtcaca
  $SUDO_CMD mkdir -p build
  cd build
  $SUDO_CMD cmake .. && $SUDO_CMD make
  sudo make install
  cd /usr/local/src/faup
  # Install faup
  $SUDO_CMD mkdir -p build
  cd build
  $SUDO_CMD cmake .. && $SUDO_CMD make
  sudo make install
  sudo ldconfig

  cd /usr/local/src/misp-modules
  # some misp-modules dependencies
  sudo apt install libpq5 libjpeg-dev tesseract-ocr libpoppler-cpp-dev imagemagick libopencv-dev zbar-tools libzbar0 libzbar-dev libfuzzy-dev -y
  # If you build an egg, the user you build it as need write permissions in the CWD
  sudo chgrp $WWW_USER .
  sudo chmod og+w .
  $SUDO_WWW ${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv/bin/pip install pillow
  $SUDO_WWW ${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv/bin/pip install -I -r REQUIREMENTS
  sudo chgrp staff .
  $SUDO_WWW ${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv/bin/pip install -I .
  $SUDO_WWW ${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv/bin/pip install censys pyfaup

  # Start misp-modules as a service
  sudo cp /usr/local/src/misp-modules/etc/systemd/system/misp-modules.service /etc/systemd/system/
  sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  sudo systemctl enable --now misp-modules

  # Sleep 9 seconds to give misp-modules a chance to spawn
  sleep 9
# <snippet-end 3_misp-modules.sh>
# <snippet-begin 3_misp-modules-cake.sh>
modulesCAKE () {
  # Enable Enrichment, set better timeouts
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_services_enable" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_hover_enable" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_hover_popover_only" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_hover_timeout" 150
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_timeout" 300
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_bgpranking_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_countrycode_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_cve_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_cve_advanced_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_cpe_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_dns_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_eql_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_btc_steroids_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_ipasn_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_reversedns_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_yara_syntax_validator_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_yara_query_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_wiki_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_threatminer_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_threatcrowd_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_hashdd_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_rbl_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_sigma_syntax_validator_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_stix2_pattern_syntax_validator_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_sigma_queries_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_dbl_spamhaus_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_btc_scam_check_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_macvendors_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_qrcode_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_ocr_enrich_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_pdf_enrich_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_docx_enrich_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_xlsx_enrich_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_pptx_enrich_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_ods_enrich_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_odt_enrich_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_urlhaus_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_malwarebazaar_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_html_to_markdown_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_socialscan_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_services_url" ""
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Enrichment_services_port" 6666

  # Enable Import modules, set better timeout
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Import_services_enable" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Import_services_url" ""
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Import_services_port" 6666
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Import_timeout" 300
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Import_ocr_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Import_mispjson_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Import_openiocimport_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Import_threatanalyzer_import_enabled" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Import_csvimport_enabled" true

  # Enable Export modules, set better timeout
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Export_services_enable" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Export_services_url" ""
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Export_services_port" 6666
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Export_timeout" 300
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.Export_pdfexport_enabled" true
# <snippet-end 3_misp-modules-cake.sh>
echo "Admin (root) DB Password: $DBPASSWORD_ADMIN"
echo "User  (misp) DB Password: $DBPASSWORD_MISP"

!!! warning If you have installed the recommended Python 3 virtualenv to the recommended place of ${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv set the following MISP configurable bash sudo -H -u www-data $CAKE Admin setSetting "MISP.python_bin" "${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv/bin/python" or on Rocky Linux bash sudo -u apache $RUN_PHP "$CAKE Admin setSetting "MISP.python_bin" "${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv/bin/python""

!!! warning Make sure that the STIX libraries and GnuPG work as intended, if not, refer to the relevant sections in the install guide you are currently reading.

!!! notice Now log in using the webinterface: http://misp/users/login
The default user/pass = admin@admin.test/admin
Using the server settings tool in the admin interface (Administration -> Server Settings), set MISP up to your preference.
It is especially vital that no critical issues remain!
Don’t forget to change the email, password and authentication key after installation.
Once done, have a look at the diagnostics.

!!! notice If any of the directories that MISP uses to store files is not writeable to the apache user, change the permissions
you can do this by running the following commands: bash chmod -R 750 ${PATH_TO_MISP}/<directory path with an indicated issue> # /!\ Depending on your OS replace www-data with apache or www or whatever user is the web server user. chown -R www-data:www-data ${PATH_TO_MISP}/<directory path with an indicated issue>

!!! notice If anything goes wrong, make sure that you check MISP’s logs for errors: # ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/tmp/logs/error.log # ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/tmp/logs/resque-worker-error.log # ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/tmp/logs/resque-scheduler-error.log # ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/tmp/logs/resque-2018-10-25.log //where the actual date is the current date

Optional features

!!! note You can add the following to your shell startup rc scripts to have the cake and viper-cli commands in your $PATH ```bash # set PATH so it includes viper if it exists if [ -d “/usr/local/src/viper” ] ; then PATH=”$PATH:/usr/local/src/viper” fi

# set PATH so it includes viper if it exists
if [ -d "/var/www/MISP/app/Console" ] ; then

MISP has a new pub/sub feature, using ZeroMQ. To enable it, simply run the following commands

${SUDO_WWW} ${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv/bin/pip install pyzmq

MISP has a feature for publishing events to Kafka. To enable it, simply run the following commands

sudo apt install librdkafka-dev php-dev
sudo pecl channel-update pecl.php.net
sudo pecl install rdkafka
echo "extension=rdkafka.so" | sudo tee ${PHP_ETC_BASE}/mods-available/rdkafka.ini
sudo phpenmod rdkafka
sudo service apache2 restart

MISP Dashboard

!!! warning A valid MaxMind DB key is required.

# <snippet-begin 4_misp-dashboard.sh>
# Main MISP Dashboard install function
mispDashboard () {
  debug "Install misp-dashboard"
  # Install pyzmq to main MISP venv
  debug "Installing PyZMQ"
  $SUDO_WWW ${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv/bin/pip install pyzmq
  cd /var/www
  sudo mkdir misp-dashboard
  sudo chown $WWW_USER:$WWW_USER misp-dashboard

  false; while [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; do $SUDO_WWW git clone https://github.com/MISP/misp-dashboard.git; done
  cd misp-dashboard
  sudo -H /var/www/misp-dashboard/install_dependencies.sh
  sudo sed -i "s/^host\ =\ localhost/host\ =\" /var/www/misp-dashboard/config/config.cfg
  sudo sed -i '/Listen 80/a Listen' /etc/apache2/ports.conf
  sudo apt install libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 net-tools -y
  echo "<VirtualHost *:8001>
      ServerAdmin admin@misp.local
      ServerName misp.local

      DocumentRoot /var/www/misp-dashboard

      WSGIDaemonProcess misp-dashboard \
         user=misp group=misp \
         python-home=/var/www/misp-dashboard/DASHENV \
         processes=1 \
         threads=15 \
         maximum-requests=5000 \
         listen-backlog=100 \
         queue-timeout=45 \
         socket-timeout=60 \
         connect-timeout=15 \
         request-timeout=60 \
         inactivity-timeout=0 \
         deadlock-timeout=60 \
         graceful-timeout=15 \
         eviction-timeout=0 \
         shutdown-timeout=5 \
         send-buffer-size=0 \
         receive-buffer-size=0 \
         header-buffer-size=0 \
         response-buffer-size=0 \

      WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/misp-dashboard/misp-dashboard.wsgi

      <Directory /var/www/misp-dashboard>
          WSGIProcessGroup misp-dashboard
          WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
          Require all granted

      LogLevel info
      ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/misp-dashboard.local_error.log
      CustomLog /var/log/apache2/misp-dashboard.local_access.log combined
      ServerSignature Off
  </VirtualHost>" | sudo tee /etc/apache2/sites-available/misp-dashboard.conf

  # Enable misp-dashboard in apache and reload
  sudo a2ensite misp-dashboard
  sudo systemctl restart apache2

  # Needs to be started after apache2 is reloaded so the port status check works
  $SUDO_WWW bash /var/www/misp-dashboard/start_all.sh

  # Add misp-dashboard to rc.local to start on boot.
  sudo sed -i -e '$i \sudo -u www-data bash /var/www/misp-dashboard/start_all.sh > /tmp/misp-dashboard_rc.local.log\n' /etc/rc.local
# <snippet-end 4_misp-dashboard.sh>

# <snippet-begin 4_misp-dashboard-cake.sh>
dashboardCAKE () {
  # Enable ZeroMQ for misp-dashboard
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.ZeroMQ_enable" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.ZeroMQ_host" ""
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.ZeroMQ_port" 50000
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.ZeroMQ_redis_host" "localhost"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.ZeroMQ_redis_port" 6379
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.ZeroMQ_redis_database" 1
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.ZeroMQ_redis_namespace" "mispq"
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.ZeroMQ_include_attachments" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.ZeroMQ_event_notifications_enable" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.ZeroMQ_object_notifications_enable" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.ZeroMQ_object_reference_notifications_enable" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.ZeroMQ_attribute_notifications_enable" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.ZeroMQ_tag_notifications_enable" false
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.ZeroMQ_sighting_notifications_enable" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.ZeroMQ_user_notifications_enable" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.ZeroMQ_organisation_notifications_enable" true
  ${SUDO_WWW} ${RUN_PHP} -- ${CAKE} Admin setSetting "Plugin.ZeroMQ_audit_notifications_enable" false
# <snippet-end 4_misp-dashboard-cake.sh>

Install viper framework (with a virtualenv)

# <snippet-begin 6_viper.sh>
# viper-web is broken ATM
# Main Viper install function
viper () {
  export PATH=$PATH:/home/misp/.local/bin
  debug "Installing Viper dependencies"
  cd /usr/local/src/
  sudo apt-get install \
    libssl-dev swig python3-ssdeep p7zip-full unrar-free sqlite python3-pyclamd exiftool radare2 \
    python3-magic python3-sqlalchemy python3-prettytable libffi-dev libfreetype6-dev libpng-dev -qy
  if [[ -f "/etc/debian_version" ]]; then
    if [[ "$(cat /etc/debian_version)" == "9.9" ]]; then
      sudo apt-get install libpython3.5-dev -qy
  echo "Cloning Viper"
  false; while [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; do $SUDO_CMD git clone https://github.com/viper-framework/viper.git; done
  false; while [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; do $SUDO_CMD git clone https://github.com/viper-framework/viper-web.git; done
  sudo chown -R $MISP_USER:$MISP_USER viper
  sudo chown -R $MISP_USER:$MISP_USER viper-web
  cd viper
  echo "Creating virtualenv"
  $SUDO_CMD virtualenv -p python3 venv
  echo "Submodule update"
  # TODO: Check for current user install permissions
  $SUDO_CMD git submodule update --init --recursive
  echo "pip install deps"
  $SUDO_CMD ./venv/bin/pip install pefile olefile jbxapi Crypto pypdns pypssl r2pipe pdftools virustotal-api SQLAlchemy PrettyTable python-magic scrapy lief
  $SUDO_CMD ./venv/bin/pip install .
  echo 'update-modules' |/usr/local/src/viper/venv/bin/viper
  cd /usr/local/src/viper-web
  $SUDO_CMD sed -i '1 s/^.*$/\#!\/usr\/local\/src\/viper\/venv\/bin\/python/' viper-web
  $SUDO_CMD /usr/local/src/viper/venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
  echo "Launching viper-web"
  $SUDO_CMD /usr/local/src/viper-web/viper-web -p 8888 -H &
  echo 'PATH="/home/misp/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/usr/local/src/viper:/var/www/MISP/app/Console"' |sudo tee -a /etc/environment
  echo ". /etc/environment" >> /home/${MISP_USER}/.profile

  # TODO: Perms, MISP_USER_HOME, nasty hack cuz Kali on R00t
  if [ -f /home/${MISP_USER}/.viper/viper.conf ]; then

  echo "Setting misp_url/misp_key"
  $SUDO_CMD sed -i "s/^misp_url\ =/misp_url\ =\ http:\/\/localhost/g" ${VIPER_HOME}/viper.conf
  $SUDO_CMD sed -i "s/^misp_key\ =/misp_key\ =\ $AUTH_KEY/g" ${VIPER_HOME}/viper.conf
  # Reset admin password to: admin/Password1234
  echo "Fixing admin.db with default password"
  while [ "$(sudo sqlite3 ${VIPER_HOME}/admin.db 'UPDATE auth_user SET password="pbkdf2_sha256$100000$iXgEJh8hz7Cf$vfdDAwLX8tko1t0M1TLTtGlxERkNnltUnMhbv56wK/U="'; echo $?)" -ne "0" ]; do
    # FIXME This might lead to a race condition, the while loop is sub-par
    sudo chown $MISP_USER:$MISP_USER ${VIPER_HOME}/admin.db
    echo "Updating viper-web admin password, giving process time to start-up, sleeping 5, 4, 3,…"
    sleep 6
    if [[ "$VIPER_COUNT" > '10' ]]; then
      echo "Something is wrong with updating viper. Continuing without db update."

  # Add viper-web to rc.local to be started on boot
  sudo sed -i -e '$i \sudo -u misp /usr/local/src/viper/viper-web -p 8888 -H > /tmp/viper-web_rc.local.log &\n' /etc/rc.local
# <snippet-end 6_viper.sh>

Experimental ssdeep correlations

installing ssdeep
# <snippet-begin 6_ssdeep.sh>
ssdeep () {
  debug "Install ssdeep 2.14.1"
  cd /usr/local/src
  $SUDO_CMD wget https://github.com/ssdeep-project/ssdeep/releases/download/release-2.14.1/ssdeep-2.14.1.tar.gz
  $SUDO_CMD tar zxvf ssdeep-2.14.1.tar.gz
  cd ssdeep-2.14.1
  $SUDO_CMD ./configure --datadir=/usr --prefix=/usr --localstatedir=/var --sysconfdir=/etc
  $SUDO_CMD make
  sudo make install

  #installing ssdeep_php
  sudo pecl channel-update pecl.php.net
  sudo pecl install ssdeep

  # You should add "extension=ssdeep.so" to mods-available - Check /etc/php for your current version
  echo "extension=ssdeep.so" | sudo tee ${PHP_ETC_BASE}/mods-available/ssdeep.ini
  sudo phpenmod ssdeep
  sudo service apache2 restart
# <snippet-end 6_ssdeep.sh>

Install mail to misp

# <snippet-begin 5_mail_to_misp.sh>
# Main mail2misp install function
mail2misp () {
  debug "Installing Mail2${LBLUE}MISP${NC}"
  cd /usr/local/src/
  sudo apt-get install cmake libcaca-dev liblua5.3-dev -y
  false; while [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; do ${SUDO_CMD} git clone https://github.com/MISP/mail_to_misp.git; done
  ## TODO: The below fails miserably (obviously) if faup/gtcac dirs exist, let's just make the dangerous assumption (for the sake of the installer, that they exist)
  ##[[ ! -d "faup" ]] && false; while [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; do ${SUDO_CMD} git clone https://github.com/stricaud/faup.git faup; done
  ##[[ ! -d "gtcaca" ]] && false; while [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; do ${SUDO_CMD} git clone https://github.com/stricaud/gtcaca.git gtcaca; done
  sudo chown -R ${MISP_USER}:${MISP_USER} faup mail_to_misp gtcaca
  cd gtcaca
  ${SUDO_CMD} mkdir -p build
  cd build
  ${SUDO_CMD} cmake .. && ${SUDO_CMD} make
  sudo make install
  cd ../../faup
  ${SUDO_CMD} mkdir -p build
  cd build
  ${SUDO_CMD} cmake .. && ${SUDO_CMD} make
  sudo make install
  sudo ldconfig
  cd ../../mail_to_misp
  ${SUDO_CMD} virtualenv -p python3 venv
  ${SUDO_CMD} ./venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
  ${SUDO_CMD} cp mail_to_misp_config.py-example mail_to_misp_config.py
  ##$SUDO cp mail_to_misp_config.py-example mail_to_misp_config.py
  ${SUDO_CMD} sed -i "s/^misp_url\ =\ 'YOUR_MISP_URL'/misp_url\ =\ 'https:\/\/localhost'/g" /usr/local/src/mail_to_misp/mail_to_misp_config.py
  ${SUDO_CMD} sed -i "s/^misp_key\ =\ 'YOUR_KEY_HERE'/misp_key\ =\ '${AUTH_KEY}'/g" /usr/local/src/mail_to_misp/mail_to_misp_config.py
# <snippet-end 5_mail_to_misp.sh>

Upgrading all of the above

MISP core

Also refer to this UPDATE section which might partially overlap on the information below.

There are 2 ways to upgrade MISP. The preferred way is to go into the Web UI “Server Settings & Maintenance” -> “Diagnostics” and click “Update MISP”.

If this fails most likely permissions are the reason.

More details can be found in MISP Book to resolve the issue.

To fix permissions refer to the install guide.

Another way is to open a shell on your MISP instance and go to the main MISP directory and pull the latest code:

cd /var/www/MISP
sudo -H -u www-data git pull origin 2.4
sudo -H -u www-data git submodule update --init --recursive

If the above fails, your permissions might be wrong. Click here for the fix the permissions guide.

MISP Dependencies
# MISP configuration variables
sudo -H -u www-data virtualenv -p python3 ${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv
cd $PATH_TO_MISP/app/files/scripts/python-cybox
sudo -u www-data git pull
sudo -H -u www-data ${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv/bin/pip install -U .
cd $PATH_TO_MISP/app/files/scripts/python-stix
sudo -u www-data git pull
sudo -H -u www-data ${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv/bin/pip install -U .
cd $PATH_TO_MISP/app/files/scripts/python-maec
sudo -u www-data git pull
sudo -H -u www-data ${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv/bin/pip install -U .
cd ${PATH_TO_MISP}/app/files/scripts/misp-stix
sudo -H -u www-data ${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv/bin/pip install -I -U .

# install mixbox to accommodate the new STIX dependencies:
cd $PATH_TO_MISP/app/files/scripts/mixbox
sudo -u www-data git pull
sudo -H -u www-data ${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv/bin/pip install -U .
# install PyMISP
sudo -H -u www-data ${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv/bin/pip install -U .
cd /usr/local/src/misp-modules
git pull
sudo -H -u www-data ${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv/bin/pip install -U -I -r REQUIREMENTS
sudo -H -u www-data ${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv/bin/pip install -U .
sudo gem update asciidoctor-pdf --pre
# install additional dependencies for extended object generation and extraction
sudo -H -u www-data ${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv/bin/pip install -U maec lief python-magic pathlib
sudo -H -u www-data ${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv/bin/pip install -U git+https://github.com/kbandla/pydeep.git
sudo -H -u www-data ${PATH_TO_MISP}/venv/bin/pip install -U pyzmq
cd /var/www/misp-dashboard
sudo -H -u www-data git pull
sudo -H /var/www/misp-dashboard/install_dependencies.sh
cd /usr/local/src/viper
git pull
virtualenv -p python3.6 venv
git submodule update --init --recursive
./venv/bin/pip install -U scrapy
./venv/bin/pip install -U -r requirements.txt
/usr/local/src/viper/viper-cli -h
cd /usr/local/src/faup
git pull
make clean
rm -r build ; mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. && make
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
cd /usr/local/src/mail_to_misp
git pull
virtualenv -p python3.6 venv
./venv/bin/pip install -U -r requirements.txt
diff -u mail_to_misp_config.py-example mail_to_misp_config.py

Hardening a base system


MISP is a web-based information sharing platform, by design it is kept rather simple and hardening can be done by following the common best practices.

Bare in mind that neither the MISP documentation efforts or the core MISP project can give you the ultimate guide on how to harden your system. This is not the purpose of the MISP Project but the purpose and care of those individuals and organizations deploying MISP Instances.

Nevertheless here is a very rough food for thoughts bulletpoint list for you to consider, and a list of some hardening resources below.


To make Apache less verbose in terms of sending banners, the belo might help.

diff --git a/apache2/conf-available/security.conf b/apache2/conf-available/security.conf
index f9f69d4..2e8fd78 100644
--- a/apache2/conf-available/security.conf
+++ b/apache2/conf-available/security.conf
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 # Set to one of:  Full | OS | Minimal | Minor | Major | Prod
 # where Full conveys the most information, and Prod the least.
 #ServerTokens Minimal
-ServerTokens OS
+ServerTokens Prod
 #ServerTokens Full
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ ServerTokens OS
 # Set to "EMail" to also include a mailto: link to the ServerAdmin.
 # Set to one of:  On | Off | EMail
 #ServerSignature Off
-ServerSignature On
+ServerSignature Off
 # Allow TRACE method


IT Security Guidelines for TLS by NCSC.nl

Weak Diffie-Hellman and the Logjam Attack

Debian Wiki Hardening

CentOS Hardening

Apache Hardened Webserver

Some Linux hardening tips