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Action Modules


Simplistic module to send message to a Mattermost channel. [source code]

  • features:

  • config:

    {'params': {'mattermost_hostname': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'The Mattermost domain or URL', 'value': ''}, 'bot_access_token': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'Access token generated when you created the bot account'}, 'channel_id': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'The channel you added the bot to'}, 'message_template': {'type': 'large_string', 'description': 'The template to be used to generate the message to be posted', 'value': 'The template will be rendered using Jinja2!', 'jinja_supported': True}}, 'blocking': False, 'support_filters': True, 'expect_misp_core_format': False}


Simplistic module to send messages to a Slack channel. [source code]

  • features:

  • config:

    {'params': {'slack_bot_token': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'The Slack bot token generated when you created the bot account'}, 'channel_id': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'The channel ID you want to post messages to'}, 'message_template': {'type': 'large_string', 'description': 'The template to be used to generate the message to be posted', 'value': 'The template will be rendered using Jinja2!', 'jinja_supported': True}}, 'blocking': False, 'support_filters': True, 'expect_misp_core_format': False}

Test action

This module is merely a test, always returning true. Triggers on event publishing. [source code]

  • features:

  • config:

    {'params': {'foo': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'blablabla', 'value': 'xyz'}, 'Data extraction path': {'type': 'hash_path', 'description': 'Only post content extracted from this path', 'value': 'Attribute.{n}.AttributeTag.{n}'}}, 'blocking': False, 'support_filters': False, 'expect_misp_core_format': False}